Since 2014 the Western Regional Enterprise Network (Western REN) has lead an extensive network of business and public sector partnerships, working to create a business and investment friendly environment in Western Nova Scotia.
A partnership between the Province of Nova Scotia and seven municipal units, the Western REN “sets the table” for economic development by balancing direct business-facing services with region-wide collaborations and projects.

Our Members are the Municipality of Barrington, the Municipality of the District of Argyle, the Town of Yarmouth, the Municipality of Yarmouth, the Municipality of Clare, the Municipality of Digby and the Town of Digby.
Funding is provided by these members and matched by the Province of Nova Scotia through the Department of Economic Development.

Governed by a Liaison and Oversight Committee comprising representatives from funding partners and a Board of Directors made up of business leaders from throughout the region.
Western REN Values
- People are the Region’s Core Strength
- Diversity is crucial to Sustainability
- Partnerships are the key to Success
- People in Western NS value our Rural and Small Town Lifestyle
- Natural Resources are the backbone of Western NS
- Creativity drives Entrepreneurship and innovation

The Western Regional Enterprise Network is one of seven rural Regional Enterprise Networks in Nova Scotia. The RENs are leading a collaborative approach to economic development and supporting business growth outside of Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM).