Our Communities
Welcome & Bienvenue!
The Western Region of Nova Scotia has a geographically dispersed population of nearly 50,000 people living in both urban and rural settings. This region’s economy is traditionally driven by fishing and logging, with manufacturing, agriculture, and aquaculture having important roles.
- A friendly and largely bilingual population
- Safe communities
- Both career and entrepreneurial opportunities
- A quality of life well suited to those who love a maritime lifestyle.
Making people feel welcome is one of the many things that we do best. People around here are eager to help, no matter what you need — whether it’s a cup of sugar for your banana bread, advice on where to get your haircut or if you need a hand moving a couch into your new home.
We love to lend a helping hand.

Western NS has two regional hospitals, both French and English public schools, service hubs with all the amenities of a city, several options for post-secondary training, and regional recreational and sports facilities.
This part of Nova Scotia is home to Kejimkujik National Park, a UNESCO-designated Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve and a night sky that is designated the first Starlight Reserve in North America by The International Starlight Foundation. Many provincial and regional parks dot the shorelines and backroads of Western Nova Scotia.