Changing and Growing
Western Nova Scotia is a hub of innovation, offering access to research networks, cutting-edge innovation centers, and abundant opportunities.
The region is thriving in key sectors such as fisheries and the blue economy, sustainable energy, forestry, and biodiversity—driving forward a future of growth and sustainability.
- Invest NS offers early stage venture support
- Invest to Innovate program offered by Invest NS
- The Atlantic Innovation Fund helps companies develop and bring to market new products and services
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development incentives
- Access to the brightest research minds through the IRAP, MITACs and NSERC Engage programs
In Fisheries:
- Part of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster to promote the knowledge-based ocean economy
- Université Sainte-Anne – Academic partner in Canadian Fisheries Research Network – part of a world-class fisheries research and development ecosystem
- Université Sainte-Anne Marine Research Centre – specialist oceanography, marine and aquaculture industry research
- NSCC Applied Oceans Research team developing innovative seafloor mapping methods for sustainable fisheries applications
- Proximity to Canada’s largest geomatics-focused learning environment at NSCC’s Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Lawrencetown
- NSCC School of Fisheries
- Marine ecology work at Acadia Tidal Energy Institute
- Acadia Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computation

In Forestry:
- Considerable data analytics expertise in natural resources with Canada’s largest geomatics-focused learning environment at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Lawrencetown
- Applied Geomatics Research Group at (COGS)
- Laboratory for Innovation in Science and Industry (Université Sainte-Anne)
- Applied Geomatics Research Group at (COGS)
- Environmental instrumentation network and airborne and ground-based LiDAR
- Projects include LiDAR MetaData Repository in Canada, forest practices
- Acadia Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computation
- Laboratory for Innovation in Science and Industry (Université Sainte-Anne)
- Research into materials science with the Centre for Microstructural Analysis (ACMA) at Acadia University
- Access gateway to an extensive network of research expertise through Association of Atlantic Universities (Université Sainte-Anne)
In Renewable Energy:
- Canada’s largest geomatics-focused learning environment at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Lawrencetown
- Applied Geomatics Research Group at (COGS): projects include LiDAR MetaData Repository in Canada, Nova Scotia Solar Resource Maps
- Laboratory for Innovation in Science and Industry (Université Sainte-Anne)
- Acadia Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computation
- Part of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster
- Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE)