Annual Summit – Immigration for EmployersS
On October 16, 2018 public sector partners and private sector companies gathered to learn more about how to be attractive to the talent the region needs in its labour force. The Summit was facilitated by Atlantic Restorative Company and co-sponsored by the Western REN, NS Office of Immigration, and the CBDCs of Yarmouth, Digby/Clare, and Shelburne.
- CEO Angélique LeBlanc opens the Summit with a review of the Western REN’s work and successes
- Mary-Jo MacKay from the NS Office of Immigration outlines the many opportunities to immigrants and to employers.
- Western REN Board Chair, Ron Smith, introducing facilitators
- Bill and Gola Carr co-own Atlantic Restorative Company – they provided the keynote presentation and lead the discussions to follow
- Keynote presentation – learning about our built in biases
- Enjoying the keynote presentation by Bill Carr
- Listening to the keynote presentation
- Learning about brain science and mirror neurons – why you smile when others smile at you
- Employers and public sector people listening to keynote
- A full room introduction takes time, but is worth the effort when you learn who is in the room. Immigration Francophone services
- Full room check in continues – this couple worked hard to immigrate to NS and are now establishing a business here
- During the introductions, large employers in the region spoke to the need to include immigration in recruitment strategies
- Likewise, small regional employers (previously immigrants themselves) are also looking to immigration for recruitment.
- Regional government representatives on hand, indicating their desire to support local business and grow communities.
- Mid-sized employers are also experiencing the need to use immigration to fill labour needs.
- Facilitated conversations: discussing challenges to attracting and retaining immigrant populations.
- Facilitated conversations also explored what personal actions individuals can take to address the challenges.
- Finally, the discussions looked at what collective actions could help address the challenges and what resources are needed.
- Service providers were in the room to provide support and answers. Western REN and NSOI co-sponsored the speaker with CBDCs
- Immigration Services Association of NS was in the room to network and inform about services specifically for employers.
- Immigration Francophone had a representative available in the room.
- Also present as a service provider available for employers, Nova Scotia Works
- YREACH is the lead organization for settlement services in Western NS.
- Providing services to small businesses, the CBDCs of the region also co-sponsored the speakers.