
Internet Expansion in Western NS

September 1, 2020

Rural Internet Fibre Expansion in Western Nova Scotia

Western Regional Enterprise Network partners with local municipalities, Develop Nova Scotia and Bell Canada on Western, NS Internet build

Western Nova Scotia, September 1, 2020

Yarmouth, NS – The Western Regional Enterprise Network (Western REN), in partnership with the Municipalities of the Districts of Argyle, Barrington, Digby and Yarmouth, Develop Nova Scotia and Bell Canada are pleased to announce that 5,400 homes and businesses in western Nova Scotia will soon have access to high-speed Internet.

The Western REN has been working with the Municipalities of the Districts of Argyle, Barrington, Digby, Yarmouth and industry to identify the region’s needs around high-speed Internet and exploring possible solutions.

“With this second round of funding from the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust and our partner municipalities, we will bring high-speed Internet service to many communities in the region, reaching approximately 5,400 new homes and businesses with direct connections to Bell’s all-fibre network,” said Angelique LeBlanc, CEO of Western REN. “This project is critical for the businesses and residents in the region during the best of times, but especially so during COVID-19, where many of our region’s businesses, employees and students need a reliable Internet connection to continue business operations and implement work from home scenarios. Flexibility will be required where possible as the health crisis continues.”

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) are developing the upcoming “Universal Broadband Fund” and Develop Nova Scotia will continue to encourage expansion into some of the harder to reach areas in the region and across the province..

“Our team and partners have worked hard towards this announcement, and we are all very excited. We will continue to work with our municipal partners, and partners at Develop Nova Scotia and ISED to close the final gaps” said LeBlanc. “By working with our partners, at the end of these projects we will have over 7,000 homes and businesses connected to high-speed Internet.


The project will provide residences and businesses with access to Bell’s allfibre network offering residents download speeds of up to 1.5 Gigabits per second (Gbps), the fastest home internet speeds in the country. Work on the project will begin immediately, and builds are required to be substantially completed by Summer 2022.

Municipality of the District of Argyle

Municipality of the District of Barrington

Municipality of the District of Clare

Municipality of the District of Digby

Municipality of the District of Yarmouth


Contact: Alyson Duffy

Telephone: 902-478-2597
